GOYA Adventures Hire Agreement

This agreement is made in conjunction with the issue and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions applying to your booking, which can be found here: www.https://goyaadventures.co.uk/termsconditions 

The signing of this agreement signifies acceptance of these T&Cs. 

  1.   Usage:

1.1. You must not allow the vehicle to be used:

    • For carrying fare paying passengers.
    • For hire or for other reward.
    • For driving tuition.
    • For racing, pace making, speed trials or any other sporting competitions.
    • For any illegal purpose.
    • For the carrying, keeping or concealing of any goods, materials or substances chargeable with a tax or duty which has not been paid or the payment of which is thereby sought to be avoided or in connection with the import or export of goods, materials or substances contrary to any prohibition or restriction.
    • While in an unroadworthy condition or while failing to comply with any statutory provision.
    • To tow or push any other vehicle or trailer (unless we agree to this in writing first) or in any way which contravenes the Highway Code, road traffic laws or any other laws.
    • When it is overloaded with luggage, goods or passengers.
    • For carrying corrosive, radioactive, inflammable, explosive or other harmful substances.
    • For carrying anything which, because of its smell or condition, will harm the vehicle or mean we lose time or money before we can again rent out the vehicle.


1.2. Taking the vehicle outside the United Kingdom is NOT permitted under any circumstance.

If the vehicle is used in any of the above ways and/or without us giving prior consent, the hirer accepts full responsibility for all damage incurred and will automatically mean the loss of the security deposit.


  1.   Insurance

2.1.  The rental quote includes Comprehensive cover for authorised drivers, although an insurance excess does apply as detailed in the Terms and Conditions. 

2.2. The security deposit held by us for the duration of the hire is to cover this insurance excess in the case of damage to the vehicle during the hire period.

2.3. The insurance cover applies only to the public highway in the UK. If the vehicle is to be used off the public highway with the exception of parking within 15 yards of the public highway for the purpose of setting up camp, prior written consent must be obtained. Failure to do so will invalidate the insurance cover and the security deposit held by us will be forfeited. The hirer will also be responsible for all damage incurred whilst off the public highway. 

2.4. If the driving license of the hirer or any additional driver contains any current endorsements, these must be declared.

2.5. As the hirer you agree that the following statement is true:

    • I am in a physical condition so as to be reasonably considered capable of driving a 4×4 vehicle.
    • I have not been disqualified from driving and have disclosed any and all endorsements
    • Only the person(s) named on the hire agreement are insured to drive the vehicle. If anyone other than the person(s) name on the hire agreement is found to be driving the vehicle, the security deposit will be considered a total loss. We will also seek prosecution for driving without insurance.


  1.   Loss or Damage to Vehicle including charges:

3.1 Rates include comprehensive insurance cover for the authorised driver(s) only.

3.2 All hires/rentals require a security deposit to be paid or pre-authorised on a credit or debit card prior to the hire commencing.

3.3 The security deposit will be deemed a total loss if the driver/hirer causes an accident whereby a claim is made against our insurance policy.

3.4 If the hirer is involved in an accident, we will hold the security deposit until it is confirmed that no insurance claim will arise against our insurance policy or the hirer (non-fault).

3.5 If the hire vehicle is damaged whilst on hire, whether by fault of the hirer or a third party, known or unknown, the hirer agrees to pay for all damages and repairs if less than the security deposit. The vehicle is the responsibility of the hirer during the period of the hire. The cost of the repairs will be quoted by an approved repairer only.

3.6 Any damages caused by abuse to the vehicle including, but not limited to, excessive tyre wear, clutch wear and excessive revving will be charged to you, the hirer. Your liability in the case of abuse to the vehicle will be deemed to be damage and charged for accordingly.

3.7 Excessive stone chips on the vehicle will also be deemed to be damage and charged for accordingly.

3.8 Excessive speeding and hard cornering will also be deemed to be causing damage to the vehicle and charged for accordingly. If excessive speeding is detected by the fitted tracking device, you will be given a warning. If you ignore this warning and continue to travel at excessive speed, the security deposit held by us will be considered a total loss.

3.9 As the hirer, you agree to pay the daily tariff rate for each day that the vehicle is off road for repair in the event of damage/excessive wear caused by you, the hirer.

3.10   If the vehicle is stolen during the hire period, the security deposit will be considered a total loss.

3.11    If the vehicle is stolen by you, the hirer, or if you are deemed to be in connivance with the theft, your liability is for the full market value of the vehicle.


  1.   Waiver

4.1 You have been offered the opportunity to reduce your security deposit and therefore excess applicable to any damage or loss occurring during your hire. This waiver is charged at £75 and the reduction in security deposit is given on your hire summary. 


  1.     Accidents or Thefts

5.1. If the vehicle or any of its parts or accessories is stolen or damaged, by a criminal act or if it  is involved in an accident in which someone is injured, you must immediately contact the local Police to report the incident.

5.2. You must telephone GOYA Adventures on 01463 382858 and report the incident within twenty four hours and give us the police details and any other Information we ask for.

5.3 If following any incident the vehicle is unroadworthy or dangerous it must not be used.

5.4 You must always:

5.4.1. Take the Police Crime Number and the reporting Officer’s name when the police are involved.

5.4.2. Takes the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all witnesses when relevant.

5.4.3. Avoid saying or doing anything which admits that the accident was your fault.

5.4.4. Send to us at the rental station all papers and documents you receive about the accident or damage (including copies of any court papers and any legal documents)

5.4.5. Fill in an Accident Report Form, sign it and send it to us within 24 hours of the loss or damage otherwise the insurers may refuse to consider the claim.

5.4.6. Cooperate fully with us, the insurers and anyone else we or the insurers appoint.

5.4.7. Allow us or them to take legal action and or to enforce legal rights in your name.

5.4.8. Do anything else which we or the insurers think is reasonably necessary to help us or them enforce our or their rights for loss or damage to the vehicle, its parts or accessories while you were renting it.

5.4.9. If you receive any money in respect of loss or damage to the vehicle and/or its spares and accessories you must pay this to us and until you do, hold it as trustee for us.

Failure to comply with your obligations under section 5 of these terms and conditions will render you liable for all claims, costs and losses.


  1.   Mileage.

6.1 There is no daily nor overall mileage limitation for the vehicle.


  1. Fuel.

7.1    Fuel is not included in the rental price.

7.2    The hire is responsible for ensuring the correct fuel is used.

7.3    If the wrong fuel is used, the hirer is liable for all costs including recovery, drainage and repair.

7.4    All vehicles leave our premises with a full tank of fuel unless otherwise specified or arranged.

7.5    Provided the vehicle is returned with a full tank of fuel (or at the level it was hired with), no refuelling charge will apply.

7.6    If a vehicle is returned with a different level of fuel to that shown on delivery, we will refuel the vehicle on the hirer’s behalf.

7.7    The designated price to refuel a vehicle is currently £3.50 per litre and the hirer shall have this amount deducted from their security deposit.   


  1. Vehicle Returns.

8.1   The hirer is responsible for ensuring the vehicle is returned to the agreed location unless prior collection has been arranged.

8.2   If the condition of the vehicle or the weather/light conditions do not permit a full and complete inspection of the vehicle on return, we reserve the right to fully inspect the vehicle at our location after the vehicle is fully cleaned.

8.3   If we have agreed for the vehicle to be returned outside of office hours, the hirer will remain responsible for the vehicle and its condition until it is re-inspected by a member of our staff.

8.4   If we have agreed the vehicle may be returned to another location, it is the hirer’s responsibility to inform us that the vehicle is ready for collection and to park the car safely and legally until the vehicle is collected.

8.5   The hirer will remain responsible for the vehicle and its condition until it is re-inspected by a member of our staff.


  1. Parking, Traffic and other offences/fines:

9.1    Where possible, all fines and penalty notices will be represented to the hirer. An admin fee of £30 incl. VAT will apply.

9.2   All fines and court costs for parking, traffic or other offences (including any costs which arise if the vehicle is clamped or towed) are the responsibility of the hirer.

9.3   If these fines are not paid, a £30 incl. VAT administration charge per offence will apply.

9.4   If the vehicle is impounded, the hirer will be liable at the advertised daily tariff rate until the vehicle is released.


  1. Foreign Travel

10.1   Vehicles may not be taken out of the United Kingdom without written authorisation or prior approval from us.


  1. Vehicle Induction:

11.1    All hirers will undertake a driving induction (Vehicle Controls Handover) with a staff member prior to being given the vehicle in addition to having tutorial videos available both before and during the hire period. 


  1. Other Terms

12.1. If you do not follow these terms and the vehicle or any of its parts and accessories is lost or damaged, you will be responsible. You will also be responsible for any financial loss we suffer as a result and for any relevant claims made by other people you agree to pay any amounts we spend enforcing these terms.

12.2 You (or any other authorised driver) shall not be acting as agent, servant or employee for us in any circumstances. We will be entitled to treat anyone acting or claiming to act on your Instructions as your agent. The rental is personal to you and you cannot transfer your part of any agreement.

12.3. If two or more persons are named on the Rental Agreement each of them will be jointly and severally liable in full for all our charges and for following their terms.

12.4. The entire terms between us for the rental of the vehicle are contained in the Rental Agreement and in the Terms and Conditions.